makedepend | | Dependency generator for make |
makedepf90 | | Creates Makefile dependencies for Fortran code |
maketool | | Graphical front end to GNU make |
man-pages | | The Linux man-pages project for Linux kernel and C library interface |
mantis | | PHP/MySQL/web based bugtracking system |
mate-common | | Sample files for MATE Application development |
matio | | Matlab MAT file I/O library |
mcpp | | Portable C/C++ preprocessor |
mdds | | Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms |
mdds1.2 | | Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms (1.3 branch) |
mdds2.0 | | Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms |
meld | | Visual diff and merge tool |
mell | | M Emacs Lisp Library |
memcached | | High-performance distributed memory object caching system |
menhir | | LR(1) parser generator in OCaml |
mercurial | | Fast, lightweight source control management system (meta package) |
meson | | Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly |
metslib | | metaheuristic modeling framework for tabu search |
mgdiff | | Graphical front end to Unix diff |
mimalloc | | General-purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics |
mirmake | | Portable version of MirBSD make(1) and associated tools |
mise | | Polyglot tool version manager like asdf |
mk-configure | | Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools |
mkcmd | | Command-line parser and manual page generator |
mm-common | | Provides build infrastructure utilities for GNOME C++ libraries |
mmix (V) | | Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture |
MoarVM | | Virtual machine for Rakudo Perl 6 |
mob | | Swift git handover during remote mob programming |
mold | | High performance drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers |
monotone | | Free distributed version control system |
monotone-server | | Simplifies the configuration of a dedicated Monotone server |
mozldap (V) | | LDAP C-SDK from Mozilla Project |
mph | | Minimal perfect hashing functionality |
msgpack | | Binary-based efficient object serialization library |
muon | | Implementation of meson build system in C99 with minimal dependencies |
mustach | | C implementation of mustache templating |
myrepos | | Treat multiple repositories as one combined repository |
nana | | Improved support for assertions and logging in C and C++ |
nancy | | Golang module/dep vulnerability scanner |
nasm | | General-purpose x86 assembler |
nbpatch | | Patch files using diff output |
ncc | | Compiler that produces program analysis information |
ncurses | | CRT screen handling and optimization package |
netbeans-ide | | NetBeans Java IDE |
netbsd-iscsi-lib | | NetBSD's iSCSI library (per iSCSI RFC 3720) |
netcdf | | Library for array-oriented data access |
netcdf-cxx | | C++ support for NetCDF |
netcdf-fortran | | Fortran support for NetCDF |
netlogo (V) | | NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment |
netsurf-buildsystem | | Makefiles shared by NetSurf projects |
nettle (V) | | Cryptographic library |
newfile | | Tool for creating starter files in various languages |
nextpnr-ice40 | | A portable FPGA place and route tool for Lattice iCE40 devices |
ninja-build | | Small build system with a focus on speed |
ninka | | License identification tool for Source Code |
noweb | | Simple, extensible literate-programming tool |
npapi-sdk | | Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK |
npth | | New Portable Threads Library (nPth) |
nqc | | Development system for the Lego Mindstorms RCX embedded computer |
nsis | | Scriptable system to build Windows installers |
nspr | | Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions |
nspr-reference | | HTML Documentation for NSPR |
nss | | Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications |
ObjectiveLib | | Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C |
objfw | | Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language |
ocaml-angstrom | | Parser combinators for OCaml |
ocaml-astring | | Alternative string library for OCaml |
ocaml-async | | Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street |
ocaml-async_extra | | Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (extra) |
ocaml-async_kernel | | Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (core) |
ocaml-async_rpc_kernel | | Platform-independent core of Async RPC library |
ocaml-async_unix | | Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (unix) |
ocaml-base | | Alternative standard library for OCaml |
ocaml-base_bigstring | | OCaml string type based on Bigarray, for use in I/O and C bindings |
ocaml-base_quickcheck | | Randomised testing framework compatible with ocaml-base |
ocaml-base64 | | Base64 encoding and decoding in OCaml |
ocaml-batteries | | Alternative standard library for OCaml |
ocaml-bigarray-compat | | Compatibility package for the BigArray library in OCaml |
ocaml-bigstringaf | | Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmmove |
ocaml-bin_prot | | Binary protocol generator for OCaml |
ocaml-biniou | | Extensible binary data format, like JSON but faster |
ocaml-bos | | Basic OS interaction for OCaml |
ocaml-checkseum | | Library for Adler-32, CRC32 and CRC32-C algorithms |
ocaml-cmdliner | | Module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces |
ocaml-compiler-libs | | Repackaging of OCaml compiler libraries |
ocaml-core | | Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street |
ocaml-core_kernel | | OCaml standard library overlay (kernel) |
ocaml-core_unix | | Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street (unix-specific) |
ocaml-cppo | | C-style preprocessor for OCaml |
ocaml-csexp | | Canonical S-expressions library for OCaml |
ocaml-cstruct | | Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs |
ocaml-digestif | | Simple hash algorithms in OCaml |
ocaml-duff | | Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders |
ocaml-dune | | Composable build system for OCaml |
ocaml-dune-configurator | | Configuration test library for Dune |
ocaml-encore | | Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders |
ocaml-eqaf | | Constant time equal function to avoid timing attacks |
ocaml-expect_test_helpers_core | | Helper library for writing expectation tests |
ocaml-extlib | | Alternative standard library for OCaml |
ocaml-fieldslib | | OCaml record fields as first-class values |